
How to format the brain?

by Guest59354  |  earlier

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brain formatting




  1. u have it?

  2. read good books see good things in internet here good words from elders.

  3. In Russia brain formats you.

  4. Press the reset button with a pen.

  5. Hit a hammer on the head so that he loses all his memory in hindi we say it (yaddas bhul jana) .and all the data in the brain will be washed off and so the brain is formated.

  6. The brain contains billions of neurons...the strongest neuron connections is basically your brain's format.

    The first thing you have to do is know that your brain has already been formatted by your parents and childhood. That is why psychologists spend so much time getting patients to discuss their parents and any strong childhood experiences. You too must do this to discover your existing format...because they will influence you for your entire life if you don't know about them.

    Only then can you work on re-formatting. And re-formatting merely means replacing the existing strong neural paths (that you don't want) by building up other neural paths...and you do that by consciously making habits.

    That will take will power. Most self-help books say that will power is not needed. But then they say you need to develop habits. Well you cannot create a habit without will power. You definately want to assist yourself with other things: eliminating temptation, eliminating distraction, posting reminders everywhere, visualizing the end goal, asking people to support you, etc. But you will need some will power too.

    The great thing is the stronger the neural path is, the less will power you'll need. Eventually, it will seem that you aren't using any at all.

    So what neural paths to create? In my opinion, everyone should...

    Develop emotional discipline. This allows you to control yourself. The most benefiscial way is to improve your health. In this luxorious world, you can develop tons of emotional discipline by choosing to eat right, meditating, and exercise everyday.

    Seek the truth always. This give you the awareness so you can know what you can control and what you can't. Thus you don't waste your time.

    Accept that as a human, you have the capacity to do almost anything that any other human can do...given the time and priority to develop your competence. That way you will always have unflinching confidence.

    Accept that this life experience is temporary. Thus, you should detatch yourself from the ego-based world of man-fools and develop a relationship with God/wisdom. This leads to peace and joy.

    Adopt a wise financial belief system. Although detatched from man's world, managing money is a big part of life. The wisest I know so far is the Dave Ramsey financial belief system.

    These are some of the basics.

    From here you can add on habits that make you you.

    Specifically, work on adopting a wise human interaction belief system. Although detatched from man's world, managing relationships is a big part of life. This includes relationship boundaries, compassion, leadership, etc. This will be comprehensive. I suggest studying several fiction and non-fiction belief systems before constructing your own (religions, military, history, academia, books/TV/movies, etc.).

    This belief system you construct will lead to certain mature goals. Goals you come up with before re-formating your brain and before constructing your belief system will lead to immature (foolish) goals.

  7. Star key ,Pound key then severe electric shock then again the Pound key.

    lol... its just a joke dont try it.

  8. The brain/computer analogy can be taken too far...

    The brain comes pre-formatted, and does all that itself. It's an unconcious process not accessable to concious control. The brain has self-organising maps, topographical organisation and data is stored in specific areas *naturally* - i.e. the fusiform face area. You don't have to do anything.

  9. Why don't you just buy a new brain?

  10. ^ Whoa ^

    Try headbutting something C:

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