
How to fund a phd in psychology ?

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I'm thinking of taking a degree in psychology in the UK. After that to become a psychologist you need to do a phd i'm told. How long does this take ?. How do you fund it ?. I'm told i'd only get a years funding from my local LEA. Are they grants and loans avaliable ?.





  2. If you're a good student and you get into a decent PhD program, they should fund you. In fact, I don't generally recommend students get a PhD unless they are at least partially funded, and ideally, fully funded by the university.

    The university would pay your tuition and perhaps even give you a small stipend. You may need to do some work for them, perhaps as a research assistant, in exchange. You should speak to the PhD programmes that you're considering to discuss.  

  3. Many PhD programs have funding.

    Make sure you find a PhD that has sufficient funding. The links below might be helpful.

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