
How to gaaain pounds?

by Guest64966  |  earlier

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ok so im 15 years old (girl) 5'5, 95 pounds

and i think im too skinny

its really not my fault cause this is my build

i was always skinny i get it form my dad

and i odn't look insanly skinny i just feel awkward sometimes

is there anyway i can gain any pound just to be in the average? saayy 120 pounds?

and don't say eat more junk food or more food in general cause i litterally eat SOOO much... but i have a really fast motabilism.

thanks so much




  1. yeah start eating more protein and exercising. Using weights will not only add muscle but get you fit which kills two birds with one stone.

  2. d**n, i wish i was you.

    i have to work my butt off to keep vegetables from making me gain weight, lol.

  3. yes, that is waaay too skinny

    and i want to say thankyou for realizing this!

    because sooo many girls are like OMG I HAVE TO BE SKINNY IM SO FAT

    but really... theyre f*cking anorexic.


    and to gain weight, you have to have a much bigger diet,

    but work out at the same time to gain more muscle which will also put on the weight   =)

  4. Get some of those Ensure old people have to drink to stay plump.  My nephew's doctor recommended he drink them when he was younger to help him gain a few pounds, and it worked.  Look for things with extremely high amounts of fat.

  5. take procomplex wight gainer its cheaper then fast food and its a shake that taste good for better taste try musclemilk

  6. Try Ensure Plus shakes. I've been drinking those all the time to put on weight. I'm only at 103 now, but when I started drinking them I was 89 pounds. Took a few months but I've been drinking them 2-3 times a day. One with breakfast, then a snack, and then maybe lunch or as a snack after dinner. Good luck!
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