
How to gain good weight, fast?

by Guest61661  |  earlier

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I am way underweight, when I look into a mirror all I can see is my adams apple and neck because I am so skinny. I am not at all confident with the way I look because of how skinny I am, I am on the verge of giving up trying to gain weight. I am 17, 5 foot 7, weight 120. I have no weights but I am willing to do pushups/ situps/ whatever.

Currently I take a mens multivitamin everyday and brewers yeast supplements everyday.. I have gained a few pounds but not as much as I want. I want to see results fast. Please help with diet and all that.





    You are going to have to do weight training if you want to really gain mass.  Doing push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups are NOT going to make your muscles bigger.  These exercises will only make your muscles more dense (i.e. they will be small and really hard).  

    In terms of working out, if you REALLY want to gain mass you MUST use weights.  Using extremely heavy weights tear your muscles.  When they repair themselves, they get bigger and stronger.  You also have to continuously push yourself and try to lift more (even it it's only 2lbs more than you did in your prior workout).  


    If you're in high school, see about taking weight training instead of P.E.  The high school weight room should also be open immediately after school.  If you're in college, then take a weight training class.  If you go to a "good" college, there should be a recreation center with a weight room and your tuition fees have already paid for you to be able to go.  Finally, regardless of your age and school status, look in your city's phone book and you should find a local recreation center (part of Parks and Recreation in your city/town).  Your taxes pay for this center, and it should have a weight room you can use for something like $1/visit.


    In terms of nutrition, you will need to eat between 1.5 and 2grams of protein for every 1lb. of LBM (Lean Body Mass) you have.  So, since you weigh 120, you need to eat between 180 and 240 grams of protein EVERY DAY (to put this in perspective, an entire can of tuna has about 30grams).  You're going to need to buy Whey protein and a bag of Dextrose.  Make protein shakes using this formula: for every 1gram of protein, use 2grams of Dextrose.  You will also need to eat SIX meals a day...yes, six.  Here is a sample diet:

    (NOTE: The first "meal" MUST be taken immediately upon waking up to help stop the catabolism that occurs when you sleep.  But, for this example, I'll just assume you wake up at 8am)

    ---8:00am: Protein shake w/ dextrose (30g protein/60g dextrose)

    ---11:00 am: 3 egg omelette with 1oz low fat cheese and spinach, 1/2 cup of oatmeal with honey (23g protein)

    ---2:00 pm: 2 Turkey Burger pattys on sprouted wheat breat and 1oz cheese, Yogurt with granola OR cottage cheese and fruit (60g protein)

    ---5:00 pm PREWORKOUT Protein shake w/ 60g dextrose, 5g glutamine, 5g branch chain amino acids, and 5g creatine (30g protein)

    ---6:30 pm POSTWORKOUT Protein shake w/ dextrose, glutamine, branch chain amino acids, creatine (30g protein)

    ---7:30 pm: boneless/skinless chicken breast fried in olive oil, 2 cups whole wheat pasta OR 1 1/2 cups of brown rice, salad (35g protein)

    ---10:00 pm 1/2 cup cottage cheese OR "Casein Protein" shake (25g protein (Casein is a slow acting protein that will help you fight against catabolism when you sleep.  This should be taken JUST BEFORE you go to bed)

    ---Protein total: 233g---


    It is also of paramount importance that you get between 8 and 9 hours of sleep every night to help repair your muscle if you do weight lifting.


    In addition to the creatine, glutamine, & BCAAs, you should also buy some Biotin, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, and Omega 3,6,9 oil.  Your multivitamin should NOT have iron since you'll be eating so much protein.  I'd skip the brewers yeast.


    If you REALLY work out WITH WEIGHTS 5 times a week and do this diet, I swear to God you will add some massive amounts of muscle.  But, it will take some time.  When I first started this regimen I added 1.25" to my chest, 1" to my arms, and 1" to my thighs in 2 months.  This isn't as much as someone on steroids or anything, but it's solid gains.  I started to slow down a bit after the first 2 months, but still have been making gains.


    If you want to get some exercises to do, use this website:

    There are, literally, hundreds of exercises for every muscle group AND videos that show you exactly how to do it. You can also filter your results, by, for example, "Body Weight Exercises," "Machines," "Cables," "Free Weights," etc.

    In terms of exercise regimens, Many beginners can see gains from doing a push/pull routine. Think about it: your triceps push things away; your biceps pull things toward you. Your chest pushes things away; your back aids in pulling things toward you. Your quads push your legs out; your hamstrings pulls them toward you.

    Here is a PUSH/PULL sample workout:

    MON: Chest/Back/Abs

    TUES: Rest (or Cardio)

    WED: Bicep/Tricep/Abs

    THURS: Rest (or Cardio)

    FRI: Legs/Shoulders/Abs (or Cardio)

    SAT: Rest

    SUN: Rest

    This is just one variation. Other people like to group workouts by supplemental muscle groups. For example, when you do chest exercises, you also work your triceps and delts (shoulders) a little bit. When you do back exercises, you also work your biceps and rear delts a little bit.  So, you can do a 6-day split as follows: MON: Chest/Triceps/Abs; TUE: Back/Biceps; WED: Shoulders/Legs; THU: REST FRI:Chest/Triceps/Abs; SAT: Back/Biceps; SUN: Shoulders/Legs.

    POSTSCRIPT: (1) Skip the creatine then; it makes you thirsty all the time anyway. (2) Thanks for the compliment.  Why not chose this as the "best answer" then :-)

  2. I Know Exactly What Your Going Through Bub!..Im Underweight And It Sucks! I'm 45 Kgs/5ft 8 and im 16! I Absoutley Hate It!..

    Im Lookin For Answers Is Well!

    Do Ya Have Msn Hun

    It Would Be Good If We Could Talk?!



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