
How to gain happiness in pokemon pearl?

by  |  earlier

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i have one budew and i want it to be a roselia , and plz don't give me suggestion that caught roselia . i want it from budew . plz help me.




  1. give it massage everyday in veilstone city, level it up, walk around with it, give it protein and stuff like that.

  2. Feed it Sp ups, and stuff.

    Carbos. You know.

  3. you have a lot of free time on your hands. . .  

  4. keep it with you and walk around...ALOT.  

  5. I found how to get happiness on the internet. (sorry, the table stuffed up)


       |Event                |Normal     |W/Sooth Bell |W/Luxery Ball|W/Both   |


       |Walked 256 steps     |+1         |+2           |+2           |+3       |


       |Use Healing Items    |+1         |+2           |+2           |+3       |


       |Using a Stat Item    |+2         |+3           |+6           |+7       |


       |Go up a level        |+2         |+3           |+6           |+7       |


       |Happniess Berries    |+2         |+3           |+3           |+4       |


       |Veilstone Massage    |+3         |+4           |+5           |+6       |


       |Resort Area Massage  |+5         |+6           |+6           |+7       |


       Here is a list of berries that increase Happiness:


       |Berry       |EV Points it Lowers            |


       |Pomeg Berry |Lowers 10 HP EVs               |


       |Kelpsy Berry|Lowers 10 Attack EVs           |


       |Qualot Berry|Lowers 10 Defense EVs          |


       |Hondew Berry|Lowers 10 Special Attack EVs   |


       |Grepa Berry |Lowers 10 Special Defense EVs  |


       |Tamato Berry|Lowers 10 Speed EVs            |


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