
How to gain height or at least look tall

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I'm 16 and 5 ft. 6.5 inches

my predicted height said it will be 5 ft 7.8 inches

but is there a way for myself to look taller or at least make it

5 ft. 8 inches or 5 ft. 9 inches




  1. You still have 4 or 5 years of growth potential left.  Why don't you just go with the flow?  Sometimes, you must accept what God has given you and not worry about stuff you may not have any control over.  You could easily experience a growth spurt & will have worried for nothing!  Worry never solves anything.

  2. high heels

  3. make sure you get lots of sleep, and stay active (no weight lifting though)

  4. Well drink alot of milk and eat protine. and also if your parents are tall then so will you.


  5. robert y is right

    stop bitching about it!

    we indians are short people

    we've talked about this loads of times man, get the h**l over it


  6. wear nike air max. they add a good 1.5 in. to ur do new balance 768's. really.

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