
How to gain weight but not lose speed and athleticism?

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I weigh 140- 145 ibs and im 5'8". How do you gain weight but not lose your quickness?




  1. what your looking for is gaining muscle. that way you can be faster because your muscle will help you , but you will weigh much more because muscle weighs more than fat. also you wont look fat be look toned, or since your a guy you will look built. so you need to do do strength training. i don't really know advice on that i am a dancer we do a lot of dancers strenght training i rarely lift weights but i'm sure thats what you should do

  2. eat things that doesnt make u fat like fruits that will fill u up

  3. build muscle mass, also, you could do ballet or yoga to improve agility and endurance.

    but since your a boy, you think anything involving dance is "g*y", which it isn't, i guess i'm no help.

    you'd be surprised though, how challenging stuff like that is.

  4. you should just work out a lot so that you can gain muscle and still maintain your speed and if you work out your legs you will gain even more speed

  5. work out and eat a lot of protein. muscle weighs more than fat.

  6. Eat and go to the gym.

  7. eat more foods! and exercise!

  8. You need to build more fast twitch muscles. Try doing the same workouts but a little less weight and as many repetitions in 30 seconds. Try adding some more protein to your diet as well. You can't build muscle unless your eating correctly.

  9. You can do so by always practicing sport (e.g. walking, running) and making reasonable intervals between meals.

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