
How to gain weight healthily?

by  |  earlier

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I'm skinny and my weight changes from 77-83. I'm 13 years old (don't think I'm too young since I understand a lot and I'm smarter than most pre-teens these days) and I'm curious about how to gain weight. I've tried to eat a lot, but sometimes, my stomach doesn't let me take in so much. What're are easy ways to gain calories healthily? Thanks !




  1. oh i know, go to macdonalds.

  2. Hi it is well publicised that fad diets are not worth the paper they're written on. I make the suggestion that you take a look around its a really awesome site with lots of advice and it's all free. I lost 5 pounds in four weeks by doing as they advised  

  3. whey protien powders,protien bars mixed with carbs like pasta's are all healthy but to gain weight its more important to eat more times a day than more at once but if you dont exercise also it will all turn into fat

  4. Have you had your first period yet? If you haven't then there's not much you can do - you will gain the weight when you have them

    If you had, then you're just very lucky that you have a fast metabolism. You will gain natuarally thru your teens. Good luck!!

  5. brewing yeast. It has a lot of vitamin B, too. It will make you gain

    weight in a week. Either buy at pharmacies, as supplement, or in any

    place which specializes in brewing. Three pills a day/three tablespoons a

    day - depends on the product, and you are there. Good for bones and

    hair as well.

  6. eat much an egg ( three times a day ) will help to gain weight.  If you concern with healhty, please tell anybody not to drink PEPSI...see this pictures

  7. Lots of protein rich foods and lift weights.  The weights will work your muscle groups while the protein feeds your muscles to help them grow.  Just remember not to overdo it.  You will gain more muscle mass working out three days a week than you will working out every single day.  

    Your muscles need time to regenerate.

  8. Metabolism plays a vital role in gaining weight. But. to gain weight what it requires is optimal hormone production for which you require the right fats in your gain weight diet.

    Examples of these fats would include:

    coconut oil

    animal fats


    Essential oils



    stay away from trans fats and hydrogenated fats!!

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