
How to gain weight on vegetarian diet?

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I know this not an ususal question but here i am asking for the opposit of what a lot of are feared. I ve turned vegetarian for alomst a month now. My main motives are beacuse of environonmental and health reasons. I really dont care that much about animals. I just lose interest in meat. ANyway, back on the question on how i gain weight on vegetarian diet. I am 5'4, weights 114LB, Asian. I ve noticed there no significant change on my weight even i turned vegetarian. I am always skinny but active. A lot of people say its a bless. But i wanted to change. I want to gain weight. 145LB would be ideal. So any of you vege experts and gurus out there please help this desperate soul to with a better diet to achieve his goal. Thank MUCH MUCH




  1. eat lots of whole grains and healthy fats and proteins, and since you are vegetarian, eat beans, peanut butter, oils, and avocados. Eat balanced meals and eat lots of bread and healthy fats! Honestly though, your BMI is 19.6, and that is the perfect weight, so i almost think embrace your body and love your self and love your slimness.

  2. dont gain weight, 145lbs is ALOT for 5'4

  3. eat carbs.

    like pastas and breads. =]

  4. I could rant about how horrible BMI is, but I'll answer your question instead.

    I'm not sure if you're a lacto-ova Vegetarian, if so, I'd recommend taking whey protein (mix it into a smoothie etc) try to avoid ones that contain any kind of sugars, esp. fake sugars (aspartame, potassium-acesulfame etc).  Since you're active it'll help boost up your muscles, which will help you gain weight.   Exercise that's low weight and repetition will also help.

    Breads and Pastas are simple carbs, they'll help you gain weight, but not in a healthy way. Same goes for candy and fast food.

    If you want to put on fat, then avocados, nuts, cheese (if you eat dairy...becareful of rennet and pepsin,   goat cheeses are ideal), olives, Soya beans/edamame , cook with peanut oil.   All vegetables will contain trace amounts of fats.

    Almond milk is high in fat, and a nice alternative to cow/goat milk.

    Try not to eat fats with simple carbs (pastas/cereals/breads). Fats will provide you with more energy, and longer-term energy, but the body will breakdown carbs first since they provide relatively immediate energy.  By doing this, fats often will get lost in the process and not properly absorbed.

  5. lots of breads and grains, fats and oils, and candy and chocolate.

  6. In our nutrition classes in college, about the only way we could get enough calories into a vegan diet was nuts. Eat lots of them ... they're filled with good fats and fats have 9 kcals/ gram ... more than twoice as many as protein or carbs.

    I'm no expert, but I think 145 at 5'4" owuld be too much. I'm 5'8" and under 140. Maybe 120?

    Maintaining consistent under-weight status - running "lean" -has been shown to extend the lifespan of lab rats ... one of the only things that does!

  7. Eat more of the 'good carbs' - meaning whole grain bread, beans, whole grain pasta.  As the other person pointed out - eat nuts - great for you and good in the 'right' kind of fats - but also high in calories.

    I actually understand what your saying.  I have problems with keeping the weight on - but having somewhat success at it.  When the doctor put me on my medication last year - I started dropping weight - talking MASSIVE amounts.

    I found out that it was a reaction to the meds - but also found out from the doctor things to eat that will help one to gain weight - or in my case keep it the same and make it possible to not lose so fast and get to the weight that the doctor would like but not at the speed of lightning.

    I eat pasta salads.  There is a garbanzo bean salad that I enjoy and make.  I also make it a point to eat more than what most would eat in whole grain breads (no white bread).

    Hope this helps.

    I noticed that one person suggested that 145 was alot to weigh at your height.

    I am 5'2 1/2 and weigh 155 - and I wear size 6 pants (top a different matter - but that is for a different reason).  Muscle weighs more than fat and one can't (or shouldn't) go by just a scale to determine personal weight.  Go by what looks and feels right for YOU.

  8. Increase your proteins and lift weights.  You want to increase muscle mass (not fat).  Also, increase your fat intake for more calories (walnuts, almonds, & other nuts are good sources).  

    I take it you are a guy?  145# @ 5'4" for a girl would be 25# overweight.

  9. Just like any diet, you gain weight by eating more, and working out. You don't say how old you are, but if your a teenager be careful, extra weight has a way of sneaking up on you. I was a very skinny teen also. If your older 20's - 30's+ you may want to talk to a doctor just to make sure something isn't keeping you from gaining weight.

  10. You need to be careful about what kind of weight you want to put on!  Putting on weight just for the sake of it can make you very unhealthy.  You seem to want to put on a bunch of weight (31lbs!!!) but if that is all fat I'm sure you won't be very happy.  To put on quality weight you will need to increase a bit of muscle mass and for this you will need a good source of protein.  For a vegetarian this normally means soy products which is as good or better than beef as a source of proteins and amino acids.  Bodies use protein for repairing and building new muscles.

    Soy is available in many different forms and types, so you have many options. Low-fat tofu, tempeh, seitan, miso, textured soy protein, soy powder and soy milk. The soy milk is especially helpful because it can be utilized as a replacement for cow's milk in any recipe you come across.

    Soy intake will need to be accompanied by regular exercise and some resistance training.  I don't mean grinding it out in the gym using heavy weights, but resistance training will increase muscle tone and bone density (important for women).  

    In the end, don't focus on a target weight, focus on being healthy with a good diet and regular exercise.

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