
How to generate business leads for my business.

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I am running a business. I want to generate leads for my business. Please give me a suggestion how to generate business leads.




  1. As the other answer says, determine your target customer.  A lot will  depend on what you're selling but you still should determine what demographic would be most interested in your product or service.  Is it young adults?  Try posting fliers around colleges or universities or where young adults hang.  Older citizens?  Try senior centers.  Radio stations are a good bet.  They pretty well know what demographic listens at what hours.  Chose the station for your preferred clientele.  



  2. depends on the business. but generally, clearly define the target market - WHO are you trying to reach-then go from there.

    narrowing down the market to the most likely prospects will save a lot of time and resources.

  3. Well I got free ebook to explain you how do to just that. That books help me a bit how to get some leads and I want to share it with you. Hopefully you can get the same benefit. Just go to the following and you can download the free ebook with no opt-in. Wish you the best with your business.

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