
How to get 2 yr old boy to sleep in big boy bed?

by  |  earlier

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We,ve been trying to get him to sleep in it. he has thomas sheets and pillow those are his favorites. we have stuffed animals in bed with him. Also have a night light and we play some lullabies on the radio to sooth him. He thinks of it more as a game lay him down and he's out in the main part of the house laughing. I've got him to go to sleep in it once by sitting with him til he got tired. But with my job i'm not home during the week for bed time so my wife has no luck at all with him. Anyone have suggestions would be appreciated.




  1. I have a three year old son that I had the SAME problem with. The way I got him to sleep in his room was in steps. He started off in his own bed on the other side of my room. Then, after he got really comfortable with sleeping in his OWN bed and not mine, I moved him into his own room. I told him that he was "such a big boy with his own bed and own room". He did not really take it well at first. What finally made it easier was setting up a solid consistent routine for bedtime. My son knows that when it is bed time, we go up to his bedroom, read him one book, say prayers, get hugs and go to our own bedroom. At first, we had to leave his bathroom light on, but now, he sleeps in the dark with his door open. Good luck and really the key is consistency. If you slip up and let him sleep with you, you have to try 10x harder the next week.

  2. With my daughter...she is 21 months...we started having her sleep in a toddler bed at 18 months and what we would do was close the door until she is asleep. We have a monitor in there and sometimes, if she isn't tired she'll play or cry for a minute, but then gets in her bed and sleeps!! Or you could try keeping him up a little later or waking him a little earlier so he is real tired and ready to lay down at bedtime!

  3. You could try putting a gate at the door and tell him it's time for night night.  He will probably cry and fall asleep at the gate but he will soon realize the bed is more comfortable.  Hope this helps!

  4. Put a baby gate at his door so that he has to stay in his room at bedtime.  He may fall asleep on the floor a few times, but will eventually get used to having to sleep in his own room, and will sleep in his bed  :)

  5. Ask BKAdvice 2008 they know the answer to everything they really helped me..... (this is the email address that gets you directly to the CEO of the company)

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