
How to get 3 credits for Foreign Language (High school) in 2 years?

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Hi, thanks for looking at this.

So I screwed up. I took Spanish my Freshman and Sophomore year in High School, and by the end of the second year, I realized that I just won't make another year of Spanish. I'm a good student overall, I just cannot stand another year of Spanish, i.e., It just isn't me. Please don't suggest I try harder at Spanish, thats just the cause of my problem, and I need to solve it another way.

So what I'm asking you How can I get the 3 years of foreign language that my chosen college requires without that amount of time left in my high school career? Note that I am eager and willing to take the other language offered at my school: Latin. I am not, however, willing to go through another year of Spanish.

Yes, I did ramble there, sorry. Please suggest any advice for this confused student, as anything right now would help me. Thanks!




  1. I had a similar problem like you. my school requires i minimum of 2 years foreign language and i did spanish but i wanted to get it over with. If you do not mind taking a course outside of school you can take a class at a local community college or something. once you complete the course at the college you can request to have your transcripts sent to your school so you get high school credit for this. by doing this you can take what is considered 2 years of language in high school in only a bit less than a semester and of which you only go 2-3 days a week.

  2. it depends on your highschool so make an appointment with your guidance counselor to see if theres anything u can do. maybe ur school has an exchange program which might count as credits, or summer school.

  3. I tried my hand at spanish and french and just didn't like them. The highschool I went to didn't offer any other languages, so I became a part time student at my highschool and took German at the local community college. My highschool recognized it as a "class", and the college took me as part of a bridge program they offered. It was awesome....and later one when I graduated, I wasn't as scared to attended college because I had already been going.

  4. Ask the school guidance counselor if there is a correspondence course for latin to help you gain that extra credit needed.

  5. hey.

    i did this. i did spanish 1,2,and 3 in credit by exam. its just a test that you can take on like a saturday, u need to sign up for it and you will probably have to pay. and u take it like the whole day, the first semester in 1 test and the 2nd semester in another one. soo yea, ask your counselor to see if you have this at your school cause this is what i did and it was really helpful i graduated in 3 years so yeah :)

    good luck

  6. Well have you considered dual enrolling at a community college? Most public high schools pay for whatever class you take. My school only offers visual art classes so I'm taking a college theater and dance class this fall for more art credits.

    You could take whatever course your school offers as well as one or two college introductory courses. Plus at a college you have a lot of options besides latin and spanish.

    ^_^ hope I gave you something useful  

  7. SUMMER SCHOOL always helps - and it's usually more efficient and a lot shorter (obviously).

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