
How to get Alchol smell out of breath ?

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You all have remedies for that I hope because my dad always catches me.

Something homemade?




  1. If you're worried about Daddy, you probably shouldn't be drinking.  Have to have a chest hair or two first.

  2. peanut butter hides it pretty good

  3. Ever heard of mints?


    heres a wacky idea don't drink.

  4. Don't drink.

    Gum maybe?

  5. You mean besides gum, mints, brushing teeth?

  6. gum?

    basically anything can.

  7. this is retarded but I used to spray my guys cologne in my mouth to hide it...immediately followed by mouthwash btw...I know how stupid that sounds and I was like 17 when I did that.

  8. Chew on garlic.  Seriously it gets in the lungs & it will take over the alchol.

  9. It's sick, but it works and no it won't hurt you. Drink, yes I said DRINK a shot of mouth wash and then chew gum.

  10. drink non alcoholic beverages..

  11. carry chewing gum/mints about or if you're in the house gargle some mouthwash!

    also spray yourself with aftershave/perfume to try & mask the smell a bit haha!

    hope this helped & watch you don't get caught haha!

  12. eat some p**p and then your breath will smell like p**p instead of alcohol.

  13. Chew on bits of a brown paper bag. Tear off some pieces and chew them like gum until they get real soggy.Repeat a couple times. Makes your mouth taste funky but you won't smell.

  14. I might be wrong here, but most of the time it seems to help when people eat something. Not only is it good for sobering up so you don't _act_ like you've been drinking, but something like garlic bread helps quite a bit. and gives you the perfect excuse to have a few mints or some gum afterwards (which is the classic cover-up).

  15. Sure.  Go out in the yard and find one of your dog's recent steamers.  Chow down on that $hit and I guarantee you nobody will be smelling your breath for alcohol.

  16. a king size butterfinger! lots of gum, bubblegum flavored & mints! and an onion and garlic smoothie!! haha jk on the last one...

  17. Then for god's sake just stop drinking.

    Stop thinking with your taste buds.

  18. listerine, garlic, breath mints, fresh breath spray

  19. Pick up smoking so youre breath will smell like weed instead

  20. use some peppermint cordial or strong mouth wash or get some fresh raw mint and add it to you dinner.

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