
How to get As in school?

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I'm starting college next week and my dream is to go to a very selective school and get the best education. But, the schools I want to apply to only select 50 transfer students each year and I really want to go there and secure my future. What are some tips to getting all As in college?




  1. My first 2 college classes were when I was 25. I got A's in both, and come to find from other students, (and the teachers) that not very many people get A's in those courses! (nutrition and psychology.) I took them both in the summer, and both were excellerated courses. I think because I was starting college later than most people do, I really had more focus and more desire to succeed. Make sense?

    What also helped, (looking back now,) is that I didn't start out with more than a 2 classes, so I could get a feel for how college really was. I only worked part time, and I made sure I studied every night no matter what. I put my kids to bed at 8:00 pm no matter what, and studied. I really wanted to learn the material and understand it, that's why I chose those 2 classes first. You really have to know it and want to know it, not just memorize it.

    My 2nd semester of college, I failed 2 of 3 classes.... :)  I had just gotten divorced, moved, had a baby, moved again, had to find a different baby sitter, change my job, etc etc etc..... Too much to do in life and no time to study. Plus, one of the classes was chemistry, which I hated! When I re-took it later, I actually paid attention to understand everything, and tried my best to find the interesting things about it, that I cared about learning the material, even though I would never use it in every day life!

    :) hope this helps.  

  2. Listen in class, do extra study in your freetime and get on the right side of you teachers!

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