
How to get Kentucky Derby Tickets for 09?

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I've read so many things on how to get tickets. So much conflicting information that I don't know what to do. Anyone know for sure!?




  1. Tickets to get in are easy. Seats are impossible. You can get infield, grandstand, and clubhouse tickets buy just walking up. Grandstand and clubhouse entrances are not seats, but you walk around on the groundfloor, you will not be able to get upstairs to any seats.

    I've tried for years to get seats through Churchill, it ain't gonna happen. Ebay will have bunches when it gets close to Derby Day. Prices are astronomical.

    Do The Oaks. I've been to Oaks & Derby Day for the last 12 years or so, and Oaks is always more fun. You can find seats without breaking the bank.

  2. Lol be rich and have LOTS of money

  3. (begin looking in the classified section) run your own adv> goodluck

  4. You can go without a ticket if you don't mind being in the infield.You pay 40.00 at the gate.It is difficult to get a good seat unless you know someone. You can start by writing to Churchill Downs and requesting tickets.You need to write between Derby Day and Labor Day and write consistantly every year until they have an opening.These seats are bench type seats in front of the grandstand and are not great for viewing,but they are seats.They are around 90.00 a piece,I think. You can also look online and get seats from someone who has them,but they might be overpriced. Good luck!!

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