
How to get Netflix to play Instant movies on my tv. I dont want to spend $99 for a roku device.?

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I subscribe to Netflix. I love it. I watch movies instantly online from my laptop

Does anyone know how to transfer my online to my tv screen. Netflix now advertises a device from Roku that transfers online Instant movies to a tv. This device is $99.00. A bit too much for me.




  1. Check your laptop for video outs. If your laptops (many do) have it you should be able to hook yours to your tv and play the movies on your larger screen.

    Roku is a real cool setup though. You can browse all the movies in your instant queue and rate, delete and read info about each movie. Really when you think about it, only $10 a month for 1 year isn't that much.

  2. Easiest and cheapest way would prolly be to hook your laptop to your TV, or use a seperate PC to your TV. And watch your downloads that way.

    Outside of that, there are several devices like the ROKU that will do it. $99 dollars is pretty cheap from what i have worked with and have seen. But the devices i have used do not use Netflix or Blockbuster for the movies.

  3. If you have an Xbox and a PC with media center, there is a free Netflix plug in.

    You can use Xbox as an extender and then see all the Netflix library + your wish list remotely.

    Rather buggy now, but free!

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