
How to get SIM card for Monterrey, Mexico?

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I am traveling from US to Monterrey Mexico and would like to get a local SIM card. Can I get them at the Monterrey airport? If yes, where in the airport? Will it be cheaper than buying them from the internet?





  1. the sim card is most expensive in airports, fortunately, Monterrey is full of phone`s  stores,  the price for this card its btwn $100 - $150 pesos (10 - 15 USD). Telcel and Movistar are the most popular. Telcel its so much better, if you active FREE the "Plan Combinado" in a Telcel Center, you can talk 20mins x  $5pesos (local)..

    I dont know prices in the airport, but i dont thinkk this pass 300 pesos (30usd)

  2. nooooo im from mexico and in my city all in the airport is vey expensive ,,in almost each sotre you go there are little not stores but people that cell cellphone original and  new  i reccomend you to buy a sim card TELCEL.. its the best bbrand because is the most common

  3. You can get SIMs for Mexico from many sources (Google is your friend), but you'll find that all of them - including the ones from Telcel - will cost you more than $1 per minute to make calls. Best deal we have found out there has been to get a Mexico phone from Mexitel Cellular. The rates are far less ($1 per phone call instead of $1 per minute and incoming calls are FREE) and they are entirely reliable and work everywhere in Mexico.

  4. You should try google, search travel prepaid SIM Card. Or they will most likely have it at the airport.

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