
How to get Sexual Orientation on the Census questionnaire?

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I emailed the Customer Service Center at the Census Bureau asking what would be the procedure to add Sexual Orientation in the demographics section (alongside race, s*x, age, marital status) of the Census questionaire.

Robert Clair of the Census Bureau replied to me that it won't ever happen because "behavioral or preference issues are not really the domain or purpose of the decennial census program."

He suggested I write to my Congressional representatives and to the US Office of Management and Budget.

Wow. Sexual orientation is not included because the Census Bureau considers being homo a choice.

Any ideas of what to do in addition to contacting the Senators and Reps and the US Office of Management and Budget?




  1. The census bureau is just supposed to count us. All the other c**p is just making the job more expensive for the tax payers. I don't care what color every one is, much less who they s***w. Just tell us how many of us there are and call it good.

  2. I don't think sexual orientation is ultimately (or rather, entirely) a choice either, but it does seem beyond the scope of the census.  I'm pretty sure they don't keep track of height, IQ, or hair/eye color either, even though those are at least partly genetic and those can affect our lives and society.  It would be interesting to know exactly how many homosexuals there are, I suppose, but probably not useful outside of trivia.  Good night!

  3. Homosexuality is both a choice and 'written into the code.'  It changes per person.  Normally, males will be either all or nothing (written), with females having a more fuzzy zone (either).  Check out farm animal studies (rams in particular) for the whole instincts thing.  We've all got em.

  4. Sexual orientation should not be on the census, and I can't understand your desire to have it included.

    Let me make it clear, it is no business of anyones (including the government) what your or my sexual orientation is.

  5. while we are at it, why don't you ask the census to add a question for favorite color?

  6. I think by "preference issues" refers to sexual preference, i.e. do you prefer males or females.

  7. When one gives in to deviant urges, it does not mean they were born that way, it simply means they have given in to deviant urges. If homosexuality were natural, one could not change said circumstance, yet the data is overwhelming that many have....

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