
How to get Sponsors?

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im doing a polar bear plunge in a few weeks its the first time i have ever tryed to raise money for a charity its a really great charity in my mind but every time i bring it up to people to tell them what im doing i get told im dumb is there any tips that any one can give to help me out




  1. You need a networking for fund raising for your projects. Internet is the best place to raise fund especially  active groups on the blogs.

  2. When I saw your question the first thing I thought was what is a 'polar bear plunge'? Perhaps you need to explain this more clearly.

  3. Have you tried talking to local business, teachers, supervisors.

    Be sure to let everyone know that what they give is tax deductible

  4. My suggestion would be to not ask those that you have a feeling will respond negatively. Neggie Nellies tend to rain on others parade, because they have no parade of their own.

    Do a Google search for "fundraising+approaching others for funding" or "asking friends to help with fundraiser."

    Make a fun flyer to give to people explaining how much fun this event is going to be and how much you'll be helping others by doing it.

    Take a picture of a polar bear swimming and then use a photo shop (or something like it) and put a picture of your head on it. Make a funny face. Play it up, making it fun!

    Best in your efforts....oh, fluorescent colored paper (green, orange or pink) tends to catch people's attention vs white or other colors.

  5. Make a little flyer or brochure about it along with links to the charity website. Include your phone number in it and other contact information.

    Canvas local businesses with it; ask for the manager. Have a stack of your flyers with you and say "I realize you're busy. I am looking for sponsors for this; here is a piece of literature about it for you to read in your spare time." Then tell them you'll return in 3 days or whatever to see if they're interested in sponsoring you, but that they can call you in the interim if they make up their minds earlier.

    Also, hit local civic clubs--Elks, Moose, Knights of Columbus, etc.--to see if they'll sponsor you as well.
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