
How to get UK Citizenship as an American w/o getting married?

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I am looking to leave the US and live in the UK but its near impossible! I don't really want to have to get married to to do so. Looking for other options? Jobs are hard to find and they will place any UK, EU or Common Wealth citizen right ahead of an American to fill the vacancy.

What about renouncing your US citizenship? It seems too easy, like there is a catch. So lets say I do so, do I have to be in England at the time from what I gather, then what happens after I leave the consulate. Surely I am stateless but in England? I am so confused!

Anything helps. Thanks.




  1. It won't be possible for you for at least 6 years unless you have close British relatives or family. Your best bet might be to get a job at an American company that also has offices in Britain (there's lots of US companies represented in London especially finance and law) or a British company which has offices in the US like Ernst and Young, work with them for a bit in the US and then ask for a secondment to Britain. If you have a professional skill especially in health care then it would also be easier for you to find work in Britain.

  2. There are 2 ways to obtain Uk citizenship:

    - live in the UK for 6 straight years, be 18 years of age when you start the 6 year living streak. You must promise to uphold the laws of the nation of england. You also have to provide a mental health record. You must provide proof of resident ship in the UK for 6 years. You also have to pay a fee.

    - live in the UK for 3 years while married to a legal citizen of the UK. Provide proof of marraige. You must provide proof of resident ship in the UK for 3 years.  You must promise to uphold the laws of the nation of england. You have to pay a fee.

    In both cases, having a arrest record in the Uk can complicate or prevent the citizenship process.

    Here is the UK citizenship website:

    I wouldnt give up citizenship in the USA.  The USA puts no limit on the number of citizenships you can hold in foreign countries.

    I my self am looking into moving to either the UK or IRELAND in a couple years.


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