
How to get a 4 year old to stop sucking their thumb?

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How to get a 4 year old to stop sucking their thumb?




  1. You can't unless he wants to.

    For daytime, you can try telling him/her , He's big, even grown up, and will be even more grownup when he quits.That, it is forbidden in school. Many things.

    For night. Nope. He has to feel secure. You can try to put some bitter things on his. thumb (they have liquids specially for thumbsuckers and nail biters) but still, he will wake up with his thumb in his mouth and his mouth bitter. You can also tie his thumb up at nights. It helps. A little.

    I had sucked my thumb until I was 10-11.  They had convinced me for the day around 5  I suppose and I really tried hard for the nights but still, I feel, He needs to want it first.

    Encourage him throughout the day. Say how grownup he is for this and how grownup he is for that. When he sucks his thumb, just laugh at him and say he is babyish. Also, you can use bribes. If there is a toy he wants, you can say , 'Of course but this is a grownup toy and you have to quit sucking your thumb first. ' You must make him want it or else, you can't because this is not a pacifier, you can't just throw the thumb away. Cuddle him, hug him, make him have confidence.

  2. i totally agree with coop

  3. Well put something liks chilli on his thumb and he will stop it because he may hate it or try somthing else but thats my idea.

  4. put a band aid on it and or tape then if continued use hot sause it really works and won't hurt the kid

  5. If this is your childs sense of security it will be hard to take it from them especially b/c it is attached to their body. Has the dr suggested they stop? Usually it is something that they will grow out of on their own. They make special dental pieces you can have placed in their mouth to prevent them from sucking their thumb as well.

  6. Put cayenne pepper on it.

    Spank him.

    Put something that taste bad (to your child) on their thumb.

    Every time he does it send him to the corner.

    Tell your child every time he/she sucks his/her thumb the evil clowns will come and get him/her.  Then put on a clown mask and jump around the corner screeming.  (Ok, maybe not...ahaha I'm an Idiot)

  7. I would never put any hot pepper, cayenne pepper or anything like that on her thumb. There was a little girl who just died here from that. Check out this article and get some tips from this.

  8. You really cant...

    My son is 9 and still sucks his thumb...  I have spoken to drs. again and again, and what I keep hearing is dont make a big deal out of it - dont call attention to it or demean his behavior.  This could make it worse.  

    So, the Docs say that he will stop on his own.  Most kids stil during the preschol years and some dont stop until they hit puberty, unfortunately some dont stop but learn to keep it hidden.  But this obviously is very rare.

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