
How to get a 4pack by september?0r a 2pack?

by  |  earlier

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im 13 years old and i would like to get fit before school starts so does anybody have answers for me what should i do to get a 4pack or 2pack.??and i weigh 123lbs. and im 5'3




  1. Exercise, exercise, and then exercise!  Sit-ups mostly!  get an exercise tape at the library and go to it!

  2. Abs are always there, you just have to lose the fat from your stomach to show 'em. You can make them more defined by doing crunches or use one of those inflatable balls and do sit-ups on it. Go to websites like and they will have exercises you can do for your abs. Eat healthy and exercise and you will have your abs. You might get more answers to your question if you ask it in the fitness part and not boating. Hope this helps

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