
How to get a German boy ?

by Guest32107  |  earlier

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How to get a German boy ?




  1. Well, German boys aren't circumsized. Might be a reason to try, isn't it?

    I _am_ a German boy; well, man, if I may say so, but I _was_ a German boy, and from experience I tell you one thing: Getting a boy (or a girl, from my point of view) you really like is as difficult in any country as you experience every day, no matter how old and what your preferences are, and where you are.

    Find one, and try out. Young German boys are not so much different from American ones: They're shy, and they don't know how to use their biology.

  2. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  3. Better question - why would you want a German boy ?

    Most of them have quite boring personalities and are not really that fun to be around.

    My first boyfriend was German, I know a lot of German guys - and I've sworn off them for a long time now.


    and I'm German ;)

    Having said that - there really isn't any specific way to attract  a German guy other than the regular dating techniques.

    You can try to look up the international students at your school, but other than that....

    I know most international guys tend to like it if you know at least a bit about their culture and are interested in the country you come from, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to smarten up a bit about Germany - the language, culture etc.

    Other than that.... just wait and see.

  4. Rindswurst, beir and tickets to a futball game....

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