
How to get a RUGBY scholarship in canada or USA?

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I am living in IRAN and i am very intrested in rugby and i am membership in natinal iranian team.




  1. There are some scholarships in the USA but i don't think they are very good. I know the Univ. of Chicago has one but it isn't a very good one. I'm sure the University of California at Berkley should have one cause they very big in usa rugby. Really any of the top 25 schools should I'm guessing should have them.

  2. Canada and USA are not considered very strong in terms of Rugby, both on and off the field. If you are serious, you should look towards someone with a good club recruitment infrastructure such as France, England or even Italy and Ireland. I don't think that some of the other stronger sides such as NZ, RSA and Australia have as good, if any such scholarships.

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