
How to get a a woment o visit me in america when she was rejected by us embassy?

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she did not have 5k in her account, and us embassy said its not safe to go to jakarta indonesia, is there a way i can get her here to visit me without having to go there first and having a picture taken of us together?




  1. Try to choose another way...

    Like become a 'black market' person

  2. marry her or petition her as your fiancee, or she can be a tourist if your willing to help him out by putting money on her bank....that is if you really like the gurl

  3. Meet somewhere else.  Personally I like Cyprus or the Seychelles.

  4. Yes.  Get a really big box and have her ship herself via Federal Express.  It will cost ~ $300, I've had friends who did it to save airfare.

    Tell her to dress warmly and bring some food and a plastic bag to pee in.

  5. Money in a bank account is meaningless.  Money can be sent half-way around the world in 10 minutes.

    Since she's unable to demonstrate close ties to her country, and judged high risk of overstaying, you'll just have to go there to visit her.

    Jakarta is perfectly safe if you use your common sense.  Dognhorsemom's idea of meeting in Singapore is excellent.  Singapore is as close to crime-free as you can get.

  6. If the embassy won't give her a visa, she will not visit you in the US.  If you are afraid to go to Indonesia, you could meet somewhere nearby, such as Singapore or Malaysia.

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