
How to get a answer removed on Yahoo Answers?

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Sometimes I will not an offensive answer and will report it to Yahoo but it is not removed. What is a surefire means to get obscene and inappropriate answers removed?




  1. I believe  the more people "report it" the more likely it will be removed. Arbiter is obviously one of those idiots who is feels it is OK to yell fire in a crowded theater. Since Yahoo is has no inclination to moderate this board it is left to the general public to do so in an arbitrary and capricious manner.  

  2. It takes a number of people to report a violation to get it removed.

    That is to try to limit the damage report monkeys do to the freedom of speech on this site!!

    What do you not understand about this being an open forum?!!!

    Surely you lack the tolerance and intellect to discuss and debate on a public forum - so feel free to leave!!

    But why not stay, learn some tolerance, grow your intellect and in the process become a much better person!!!!

    Report monkeys damage not just the participation in YA  but also tend to provoke others to report them and it becomes a vicious circle!!

  3. it helps to be a Level 4 or higher.

    Just Wondering: Why so snitch happy? Just move along, thats what i do.

    Just Wondering: What was the obscene question about?

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