
How to get a beautiful girl in your class to go out with you?

by  |  earlier

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What is the key to their hearts? I wanna do the cute thing with them but my brother told me I have to date them first.




  1. buy  a notebook and inside write.. this is my favorite class cause your in it will you go out with me ?  

  2. Just be yourself, and if she doesn't appreciate you for that, then she's not worth your time!

  3. You don't have to date to flirt! Ok, look her straight in her eyes and tease her a little bit. Say something cute, but not too cheesy. Take her side in things too, not for everything but yea. "find" a flower on the ground or something, and give it to her. lol idk, but those things work! =] or catch her eye in the middle of class and just flash her a cute smile. Good luck =]

  4. ok ask her what she likes and be all like i like that too and flash her the cutest smile if you have glasses get contacts or take them off or something carry her  books and compliment her on stuff many people don't like so she feels more comfortable with you

  5. buy her a happy meal

  6. Be sweet. Dress nice, not grungy. Have good hygiene, meaning, take showers daily, brush teeth at least twice a day, and use deodorant. Act kind and use compliments. Remember their birthday, have conversations with them, carry their books. Girls like it when guys are sweet to them.

  7. Don't be a jerk like you seem to be on the internet.

  8. be kind and dress hot, find out her style

    plz answer

  9. Just talk to her. Its that simple. Guys are very intimidated to talk to a beautiful girl, so these girls do not have a lot of guys going up to them to talk. They guys are too scared. You have to show that you are confident by talking to her. Ask her about an assignment or if she needs help. That's the first step, talk to her and get to know her.  Remember to keep it the conversation simple; girls always know if you are trying too hard.

    EDIT: If thats too much hard work for you, then you do not deserve a beautiful girl.

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