
How to get a carpet smelling new again .

by Guest60363  |  earlier

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I moved into a flat 2 weeks ago (rented property) which has carpets in every room and since i am only renting this flat for 6 months i don't want to go out and buy new. It is mainly the main bedroom that has a foist/ moist smell to it and when i looked properly i have noticed there has been carpet put ontop of carpet which will be given off the smell and then realised that was the smell. Ids there anything out there i can use do just for the next 6 months as i can't really afford to buy new carpets as i am expecting my first baby in 7 weeks but if it means the only way of getting rid of the smell is getting new carpets then i guess new carpet it is.

Please help!!




  1. Your and your unborn baby's health is of paramount importance. Mould is a nasty problem.

    Go or ring immediately the property owner and explain the problem to them, as it is their duty to sort this mess out. At your stage of pregnancy it should not be expected for you to be pulling up and re-laying or cleaning carpets. If need be take along a support person to assist in dealing with this issue with the property owner as this must be rectified asap. If you get no joy from the realtor, then move out and be a little more observant with your next rental property. Good luck with this and for your baby to come. PS  DO NOT use cover up sprays and the like as they won't fix the problem and are NOT good for your health.

  2. Wellim not sure about smelling new again but I can help you get it to smell nice...

    Go to your local supermarket and go to the cleaning area..look for a foam spray which is used on carpets [bonus! you can use it in your car on the seats as well!]

  3. one option is to take all the carpet up thats under the newest carpet put the newest carpet back down and give it a good cleaning if you don't want to replace it or you could just live with the smell since your only going to live there for 6 months but I don't really like that idea.  

  4. there are a couple of great product available in the supermarkets. go to the carpet cleaning aids and there are those different scented spray bottles that spray foam onto your carpet. you leave it on for a while and vacuum it later. the house smells fantastic and clean. i always use it before a house inspection and it does wonders.

    i am not sure of the brand but any brand that deodorizes your carpet with foam is good. the best clean smells are lavender, Jasmin, or mountain kind smells. vanilla is too overpowering.

  5. first of all if it is mold it could be harmful to your unborn baby as well as your self.  I would hire someone that  can perform a test to determine the mold  level try contacting the department of housing or similar agency. If there is a high level of mold then your landlord needs to replace the carpeting or at least reimbursement. but you mentioned that you are renting than it is not your job to replace the carpeting. In the meantime you can always sprinkle some baking powder onto the carpet leave it for 10 minutes or so than vacuum it up well.

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