
How to get a cell phone out of a heating duct?

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Dropped down about 11 feet and there it bottoms out as it hits the under a floor run. I tried a Shop Vac with longer hosing and no luck..The area where it may end is all finished...Any ideas?




  1. a paint pole that ex-tense and put duct tape wrap it couple time like doulble sided tape

  2. They sell things that you can use to grab things, like two pincers operated by a little thing you squeeze, I've seen several kinds in stores. Try attaching that to a longer stick, a broom handle perhaps, and tie something around the lever to grab the phone

  3. If you cannot see it, try putting a small mirror on the end of something long enough to reach down to the bend and see if you can locate it.

    I actually can't think of a better suggestion than the shop vac, at least beyond trying to see where it is so you don't shove it further down by randomly poking the vacuum hose down there.

  4. Wrap something that you can get to fit down there with heavy duty duct tape and see if it will stick.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT use a magnet. Your phone is basically a mini computer and you could ruin it.

    Edit: I just read that if you stick an empty paper towel tube on the end of your vac hose it can bend and get into where the regular attachments can't. Hope you've gotten it out.

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