
How to get a crazy woman to stop picketing during a yard sale?

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A bunch of residents are going to have a yard sale in front of the apartments and this crazy woman (who has been evicted but won't leave without dragging it through the courts) is planning to picket the manager during the sale.

Apparently she has every right to do this, but I am afraid it is going to keep customers away.

I am looking for legal ways to maybe embarrass her into wanting to leave?




  1. She may actually draw a crowd. Let the news reporters know. Reporters seem to like garage or estate sales. You might come out way ahead!

  2. As long is she stays on public property, e.g. the sidewalk, and doesn't verbally harass tenants or customers or touch them, nor impede anyone's access, there isn't much legally that you can do.  If she does any of those things, then you can involve the police.  She sounds like she has a s***w loose.  Hope she is harmless.

  3. Tell the police there is a planned protest of unknown size, and have them show up and enforce the laws governing protests. Those laws can be very restrictive in some cases... Have the landlord write you a $1 lease for the property the yard sale will be on and only for that weekend. Make sure it is not city or government owned property, and make the size really big.

    If you have a lease you can have the lady arrested for trespassing, and the police will have to enforce your rights as tenants on that property.

  4. Put up a big sign that says "What kind of moron pickets a yard sale?".  That should do it.

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