
How to get a gemini??

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I am a scorpio and dont say we arent compatible cause like I dont want to spend the rest of my life with him ( way too young)

Just want to know how to get one intrested in me

His birthday is the 20th of june





  1. Well, it might be good for you to know that Geminis are one of the few, if only, Zodiac signs that seems to get along with Scorpio (or should I say, can put up with Scorpio).

    I'm a Gemini myself, and will have to warn you that Geminis are some crazy people! :)

    We can be very moody. Given that the Gemini's sign is the Twins, the Geminis have AT LEAST (heh) two sides to them. They can seem very contradictory in their actions, which can depend on their mood.

    Geminis do tend to be thinkers, and also tend to know a lot of things, but can seem shallow in that they exhibit a lot of breadth of knowledge, but not very deep in those areas. That's not to say they're not smart, but that they have a lot of interests.

    Also know that, guys in general aren't all too good at reading clues from women. I can't speak for all Geminis, but I myself am a very literal person. I can see the clues when I'm observing other people, but not so good when women are giving me hints.

    Geminis can be eccentric, they tend to appreciate honesty. They also are usually tolerant, they can accept differences.

    And WARNING, they can be very talkative, often quick-witted and can jump around from topic to topic, from interest to interest.

    So, let's see... how can you attract a Gemini. Well, being talkative and open would probably help. I myself can't stand when others aren't all too talkative. When people are just downright quiet and silent is weird to me. But that's not to say you should be a chatterbox. It's also WHAT you talk about that's important. If you bring up something a Gemini's interested in, he could just open the verbal floodgates, feeling impelled to join in.

    But, having said that, be yourself. Don't fake who you are. A Gemini would probably smell that out. And if you get to know this guy, just know that, again, Geminis are walking contradiction. They can be people of extremes. They like hot AND cold, but at different times.

    Also know that their interest could be hot, passionate, but also fleeting.

    Maybe this is just me, but I prefer people who aren't considered normal by social standards. I like eccentric, interesting people with a sense of humor.

    Hope that helps, and I hope that the Gemini you seek is a cool Gemini, meaning he's weird, eccentric, witty and not normal. :)

  2. Amen, Mace. You took the words right out of my mouth.(keyboard?) Hee hee hee
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