
How to get a girl to notise me?

by  |  earlier

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i like this girl but i dont know how to get her to talk to me and i need help plz give me some ways.




  1. 1. just go and talk to her.

    2. if ur funny thats the best thing if u can make here laugh that good

    3. talk about things she likes

    4.make i contact

    reapet the process over and over until u have a friend relationship then...

    ask her out

    if she says no then just be close friends

    and find another girl

  2. this guy got my attention at camp:here is how he did:

    he watched me play and after game he told me how good i was and how much i tried and put effort on the game!it was really nice! and even though he wasn't the hottest guy around he totally caught my eyes!

    do something like that.

  3. be yourself. girls aren't mind readers though. we are good at most things but not that. only kidding. :) but be subtle, a smile, a simple hey how are you/whats up/ is cool. if she doesn';t notice see whats shes into. we like it when guys take an interest in our hobbies. maybe bring it into a convo? maybe you could crack a joke or give her a compliment. dont be shy but dont be too forward. good luck...:)

  4. why don't you do this when you see her give her a compliment like if shes alone tell her she looks pretty or any kind of compliment if she accepts your compliment talk to her and then after a while just ask her out on a date.....good luck!!

  5. just show up and start talking about any topic and little by little u would be closer to her and start friendship.hope to be helpful :D

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