
How to get a good first touch in soccer

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I need help on how to learn to get a better first touch. my cleats are the nike steam

if that helps somehow. also how do you improve your passing?




  1. u cant buy greatness. u have to practice a lot. if u want ur first touch and passing to be perfect then practice for hours every day for months.  i am a goalie and when i first started i bought the most expensive goalie gloves i could hoping it would make me better, it didnt make much of a difference. but then i practiced for about 5 hours every day for about...3 months and i became the starter goalie for the varsity team in high school when i was in 7th grade!! keep practicing and good luck =]

  2. Cleats have nothing to do with how you touch the ball. Like KaKa said"

    Only when you have a true feel for the ball can you make it do what you want". Im pretty sure you can watch some videos to learn.

  3. Soccer...ha..start with calling it by its real

    Next, you have to be born with it. If you are born with baseball, you'll be good at it, if you are born with football you will be good at it. Its something that just comes naturally. If not, you'll be just another average player who plays it as a sport and not a passion. The greatest players in the world all have a passion for football and this is what makes you the best of the best.

    You seem like an American to me...that cares about buying the best equipment in stuff but can't deliver in the pitch. That is not what football is about. If  you are truly good, you can play in anything and use any equipment to your advantage. If you can play with chucks, do it.

    I bet there are poor 15 year old Brazilian kids that can play better than an MLS player and THAT is a fact.

    Sure the nice stuff like the Mercurial Vapors, the adidas balls is good but real players start from the bottom up and work with what they got and use that advantage. In football, you have to take what they give you and make it good or else you suck.

  4. Here's something that my club coach told us [my team] to do on our own to improve our first touches and touches in general. First kick it against a wall and control the ball, then juggle [if you can]. After you get comfortable juggling for a while, then start doing this: starting with your right foot, do a low touch (below your waist) then a high touch. Then do it again with your left foot. It should be a continuous motion, [right foot] low touch, high touch, [left foot] low touch, high touch, [right foot] low touch, high touch, etc.

    Hope this helps.  

  5. shoes dont improve for me.

    to get a good first touch practice.

    kick a ball against a wall and when it comes back to you trap it, it will help you a ton with your first touch

    good luck

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