
How to get a gun and legally conceal it?

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I live in Michigan and lately i have been getting a lot of threats (threatening my life) from my old roommate. (left the apartment because of this) So i was wondering what is the process of getting a gun and being able to have it in your car or something like that?




  1. No problem.  Michigan (like 39 other states) "allows" citizens to exercise their constitutional right and have concealed carry.,1607,7-123...

  2. Go to your neighborhood gun store and purchase a handgun, then go to your local Sheriff or Police Department and apply for a Concealed Carry Permit.

  3. as long as your not a felon, you should just go to local courthouse and ask them for a concealed weapon careful.!!!

  4. You have to go through Concealed weapons training.

    website for your area:

  5. Are you serious?  Just move away and forget about it.  Statistically, you are far more likely to have an accident with your own gun than to ever need it in self defense.  Judging from your question, you're pretty clueless about guns, so it's going to take several years of training and practice at the range before you become proficient enough to carry it around safely.  

  6. From the Michigan State Police website:

    "Concealed Pistol Application and Instructions

       1. Concealed pistol application kits are provided during normal business hours by the following:

            * County sheriffs

            * Local police agencies

            * County clerks

       2. Concealed pistol application kits are free of charge to individuals who wish to apply for a license to carry a concealed pistol.

       3. Concealed pistol application kit includes the following:

            * Written procedure to obtain a concealed pistol permit

            * Application form

            * Written procedure to appeal and the appeal process form if denied a concealed pistol permit

            * Reference numbers for current pistol safety training entities


          Processing Application

            * Applicant files their application with the county clerk in the county in which the individual resides. This must include: (1) a copy of the certificate of completion of the pistol safety training course, and (2) a passport quality photograph.

            * Applicant pays a fee of $105 to the county clerk at time of filing.

            * Applicant receives a receipt for payment.

            * Applicant provides receipt and has fingerprints taken by sheriff department or a local law enforcement agency.  However, the local agency may charge an additional $15 for the taking of the fingerprints.  Some sheriff departments participate with a vendor to provide applicant finger printing.  There is no additional charge for this service.

            * Sheriff department or local police agency forwards fingerprints to the Michigan State Police for processing.

            * Once county gun board receives the fingerprint comparison report, they will issue or deny the license within 45 days."

  7. You should cntact your local police office and ask to speak to the shift sgt. They should be able to tell you the requirements, if any, for paperwork to carry a firearm conceled in your vehicle.

    Each stat is different and in some states every county and every city is different. That is why you should speak to the police.


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