
How to get a guy who doesnt know u exsist?

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i need help! i like this guy at my skool whos a yeer older than me but i dont think he knows i exsist how do i get him to notice me?!




  1. well be outgoing and just go up to him and talk to him or if hes in any of ur classes tell him u need help with something.

  2. Be sure that his attention is what you want Don't try to get a guy to look your way you want attention and you want to feel good about yourself. You don't want to lead someone on like a puppy taken out for a walk. You could end up in a very awkward or uncomfortable situation--see the Warnings below.

    Be yourself. Everyone probably says this, but it's true! No guy wants a girl to pretend she is something she's not. As a general rule, guys don't expect girls to change. Resist the temptation to put on a show or to do anything that just isn't you just to get his attention.

    Get a new look. Don't change who you are (you never want to do that because you'll actually end up changing yourself) just try something different; if he doesn't like you for who you are let him be. Try a new hairstyle, new clothes, etc. It's a good idea to change things up once in a while, just because variety's the spice of life, and it might help you catch his eye. Try being that tough girl who is different from all the other okay looking girls giving him the eyes, because beauty is common, but a good outlook and a great energy are very rare.

    Smile and make eye contact. Whether closed-mouth or open-mouth, do it. Unless it really makes you feel artificial, learn how to shoot people a reassuring smile, letting them know that you're a happy and confident person who wants to enjoy life. The idea is to communicate that you're inviting their company.

    Flirt. Do it as little or as much as you want, but remember that too much flirting (especially with other guys) will likely get him to take notice, but perhaps not in a good way. If he reacts and you don't think its real (he's just doing it because you're there and you're a girl and he thinks he can do better, let him know he can't). If he is faking it, call his bluff and say something that makes him know you don't think he is 'all that'. For example, if he comes close, pull a face and offer him gum. This will unbalance his ego.

    Hang out with him often; you don't always want to be hanging around because you might look like a bug always around and never going away. Start slowly like a movie or party try not to make it so noticeable cause he might not be interested.

    *Whisper Whisper*Talk to him. Try to get to know him a little by discussing things you have in common. A good way to start a conversation is to ask him a question. Listen to him and don't interrupt him when he is talking. You could even compliment him or ask for help. A good opener is spray two different perfumes on each wrist, then go up to him and ask him his favorite. This should get him to talk to you. Also be friendly to his friends to help him feel more comfortable around you. Some guys don't notice girls unless they talk to the guy.

    Be assertive. You are the girl. You have the power. A lot of guys are shy and awkward around girls they like, so don't hold back. Do what you want to do. Boys like a powerful girl. Be decisive. Tell him what you want him to do, etc.--just don't get too bossy!

    Make him feel special. There's got to be a reason that you want him to notice you, and that's because you noticed him first. Let him know--subtly--that you're interested in who he is, and that you sincerely want to get to know him better.

    Be brave. Stand up for who you are, and what you believe in. Ultimately, this will catch the attention and respect of someone who is going to work well for you, even if it turns out not to be this guy.

    Don't be a slob! It's a real turn-off for a guy when he notices a girl hasn't brushed her hair or wears the same outfit every other day. Clothes, makeup, and jewelry are the typical items many guys expect girls to wear. Even if you don't fall within the typical expectations, just looking presentable is always desirable--irrespective of who is the guy or girl.

    Just Talk To Him. When it comes down to it, talking to a guy, and flirting with him will get his attention, and if it doesn't nothing will

    Be sure to have gum, breath mints, Listerine strips, etc. around in case you need to freshen up quickly, especially if you're hoping to start a conversation.

    If you have gum or mints or whatever in your purse, try offering him a piece but give a best friend a piece too, so it's not that obvious.

    It's always a good idea to keep yourself well-groomed. While there are guys who get uncomfortable and intimidated if you're all dolled up, it never hurts to stick to a few hygiene basics: shower, brush your teeth regularly, use deodorant, keep your hair decent (not perfect, but decent), and take care of your skin. Better yet, stay healthy! Exercise and a mixture of good and bad food is better than going on a no food diet. Exercise releases a chemical that makes you feel good about yourself. If you feel good about yourself you are very good at flirting. Chocolate releases another chemical the makes you feel very happy, if you don't eat too much that is.

    Speak your mind. You're not a drone, and any guy wor

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