
How to get a high page rank?

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to get high page ranks.. how can i do it without purchasing software or paying?




  1. PageRank is a google tool that gives importance to pages. PageRank depends a lot on backlins for your website. Higher the one-way backlinks to the website, higher the PageRank.

  2. While the actual way Google determines PageRank is kept secret, there are some things you can do.

    - Get your site map complete.  It just says coming soon.  There's tons of software and sites out there that will create one for free and it's likely that your host has those capabilities.

    - Sign up for Google Webmaster Tools (free) and follow all those instructions.  

    - Create great content that consumers want to see

    - Build your inbound links through ethical ways such as directories, organizations, other sites, etc.

    - If you're doing it yourself get educated on the process of search optimization.

    - Determine the keywords that you want to rank well for (be smart, you won't rank for online betting anytime soon)

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