
How to get a kid motivated towards tennis?

by Guest67008  |  earlier

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My son is eight. I bought his tennis machine, the best tennis bat, and also enrolled him to a tennis class. I do not think he is finding tennis interesting anymore. I would like him to learn tennis by any means. Help!!!!




  1. Tough!  I'm glad that I had two sons.  My eldest had absolutely no interest in table tennis...much to my chagrin.

    I tried to force it a bit, and he I just let him go.  My second son loved table tennis and has excelled.  I really pushed him and trained with him, and he still loves the game.  

    Now, three years later, interest for table tennis has finally awoken in my oldest son, but I realize that he'll never take it that seriously, so I just let him develop at his own pace and have fun.

    The answer is...sometimes you must wait a bit for your child to develop interest in the sport.  Yes, time is of the essence if you want your child to become a professional...but I suspect that your child will just rebel or burn out if he doesn't really enjoy playing tennis.

  2. First of all, your son is eight, so his attention span is slim. It sounds to me like he is uninterested in tennis. If you push him, it will burden him into something he really has no care for in the first place. IF you push him, he WILL get burnt out and resent you for it later on. Let him decide what he enjoys, and support him whatever sport he chooses. Don't be one of those mom's who pushes their daughter to be a beauty queen because you were...

  3. sounds like you're pushing him into something he doesn't want. how would you like it if your neighbor forced you into taking it up the butt. think about it.

  4. Money cannot buy love of the game.  You are projecting a lot of pressure and expectations by everything you buy.  At that age, kids should simply have fun.  Find a tennis class with kids his age that he can make friends with.  The instructor is very important.  Find one that makes tennis more fun, and less of a chore.  Learning the game of tennis is like learning a new language or musical instrument.  You have to find the right learning environment, and then just let go.

  5. motivate your son by saying you'll give him something (depending on what he likes) every time he practices for, for example, and hour

  6. Instead of buying him all this stuff, maybe you should go out to th tennis court sometimes, and hit with him yourself.  You will bond and you child will begin to like tennis more and more.

  7. Well, it seems like you went a bit overboard. It probably just stopped being fun and seemed more like a burden. Ease back, and definitely take your own interests out of the equation. It's about him, not you.

  8. let him decide for himself, quit being one of them parents who decide what sport there child plays and does not. just becasue you played tennis back in your day dosent me he will want to. besides not many men enjoy tennis so good l**k trying to get him to play

  9. Maybe tennis just isn't his thing. I never liked tennis until I started playing it, now I'm kinda into it. But in his case, he's already tried it. If he's not that good, that could be the reason why he doesn't like it.

  10. first off, it's a tennis racket. If you're thinking its a "bat" then he might also be calling it a "bat". Tennis and baseball are two different sports!

    Second, you bought him a ball machine and he just started playing??? wow! ball machines aren't cheap, I would have waited to see how long or interested he was in tennis before buying such a thing.

  11. I like your determination, but...

    One, there is no 'best' tennis RACQUET.

    Two, like everyone said. IT'S A RACQUET.

    Three, if he's not interested in tennis, then he's just not interested. It's his life, not yours. You're not a puppeteer with him being the puppet.

    Four, go easy. You seem to think expensive c**p is the best c**p. It's not.

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