
How to get a major record deal....?

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How to get a major record deal....?




  1. I'm assuming you've already recorded an album or demo, if not do that first.  Then:

    Check out  She used to produce for Beyonce, Nas, Alicia Keys, etc.. now she has a website that helps unsigned and indie artists.  She gives step by step instructions on how to attract record labels.

    Also check out Musician's Atlas, it's a magazine that lists every record label, manager, A&R, etc.... it also tells who is accepting demos (solicited and unsolicited).

  2. I mean really, pass the banana peels buddy.

    The only way to get a record deal (major or any other kind) is

    *Be uber talented

    *Perservere.  If you don't have trunkloads of luck, then this is in your future if you want to record

    * Be realisitic.  If you can do anything besides music and be satisfied, do it.  Otherwise, you won't care what to do to get a record contract, because you would be willing to play for free.

  3. go to your local radio station thats the best way to get a record deal because if ur good they will want to play ur songs more and within a year ur'll have ur first record deal! but the key is you have to be good!

  4. auditions

  5. You show the record company your biggest piece... interpret that however you like ;)

  6. so you think you can rap? i wanna hear some verses son! and some hooks and a chorus!

  7. do you think people with big record deals, post on YAHOO answers?

    jeez what a low life

  8. If you can figure this out then write a book because you'll make a lot of more money producing those record deals than singing them!  =)

  9. send some tapes to some companies,or go ona reality tv show.

    although you have to be good to keep your record going with those kinds of things.

  10. talk to a producer or go to hollywood! search around

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