
How to get a payne h.p. to drain

by Guest64901  |  earlier

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i have tried to get a payne heat pump to drain water .i have used a running trap and a deep trap.customer still calls and says drain is backing up in drain pan and not draining.the fan is in front of the coil




  1. First of all, there should be no need a trap for a drain for the evaporator. It's fairly clean water so it should drain without any resistance to the water flow. Take out the trap and make the drain pipe most easiest to drain to outside. Take advantage of gravity wherever possible.

  2. i assume the pan is in the correct position.

    I would check the static pressure on the return side, you could have a restriction in the duct and causing it.

    An old trick I use in situations where you can't tell whats really happening is to take a piece of plexiglass and put it in place of the access panel to observe whats happening.

    It may be just dopping off an oily or dirty coil.

    They will always have some water holding in the coil since it's a draw through application. The plexiglass trick has saved me countless hours of guessing through the years.

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