
How to get a positive pregnancy test without really being pregnant?

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To make a long story very short:

My best friend and I are on vacation for a week with our boyfriends. On our first day down here, yesterday, my best friend took a pregnancy test and found out that she was pregnant. My best friend has been trying to get pregnant for the last 8 years and she has been with her boyfriend for 10 years. Now that she finally got pregnant, she wanted to save the pregnancy test to take home and show everyone. I don't know, it sounds weird, but she has waited so long for this. Any way, she left the test on her dresser in the hotel and the maid threw it out. I was going to see if I could get another one to say positive and just use that to replace the old one. Any ideas? And no, I do not know any other pregnant people. Lol.




  1. No the only way to get a positive is to be pregnant and pee on the stick, just explain to her what happened and go get another test. Its always best to take two tests to be sure anyways.

  2. no you cant why dont you tell her what happened and tell her to take another test its better because when you keep the test for a long time the positive sign fades until it dissappears for me it happened i took clearblue digital test so when its positive it writes pregnant so my husband wanted to keep it for memory but after a couple of days it went away  

  3. Just have her take another test. If she's truly pregnant, it's gonna show on the second one just as well as it did on the first.  

  4. Yah when I got pregnant I took TWO tests just to be sure. Then I still didnt believe it until I got the blood test done.  

  5. why would YOU want to save HER test...that is really wierd!!! she's just gonna have to pee on another one for you, you crazy a$$!

  6. Only the pregnancy hormone (HCG) will cause a positive result.  There may be some way of tampering with it, but I think that would just cause the test to not work at all.  Can't she just get another test and pee on it again?  Either way, her first one is gone and at least if she did another it would be a legit positive test from her pregnancy.

  7. you'll just have to buy a new one & have her re-take it!

  8. Why doesn't she just take another one?  If she really is pregnant a second test will surely show up positive.  I guess I don't quite understand or you've forgotten some details.  

  9. No. She's going to have a buy another one and pee on the stick again cause to make it positive she's going to require high HCG levels.  

  10. Just have her take another test and keep that one in a safe place.

  11. why don't you just have her pee on another one, if she's your best friend, she'll understand.

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