
How to get a raise?

by Guest32177  |  earlier

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I have an appointment with my Boss to discuss a wage increase. I have to get one, no other option.

What can win me this raise, other than my irresistable good looks, charming personality, and perfect work attendance.

What can I say to her?




  1. Don't try to suck up to her!  That's immature and usually won't get the results you need.  Go in and lay the truth out on the table.  Tell her your actual needs.  Then, tell her to give you a chance to show her that you really deserve that raise and are willing to work for it.  Become an employee that she can't live without.  I was in banking for 18 years and was a supervisor.  I had far more respect for an honest truthful employee than one that tried to "impress me" with charm, compliments. etc.!!

  2. try to socialize. Say "I am thankful for the money i am making  but is it possible i can get a little raise, but only if its ok with u". Be nice and smile and be be nice oh and smile.

    Hope i helped

  3. Be armed with concrete information:  Example..

    sales increased  x% because of the visual plans you implemented, or  sales increased x amount over lasyear due directly to the new clients you brought on board....get the picture?  Be prepared to show how you are valuable to the organization.  Get referral letters from your clients thanking you for your service... then ask for what you want! Good Luck!
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