
How to get a realy diploma or ged online that you can use at a community college?

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Like, If I want to get my ged or diploma on-line and use it to go to a community college in north carolina. What are some that would be accepted by (cpcc) Central Piedmont community college.? Thanks for any respond. ( just a girl trying to get ahead.




  1. Contact the community college and ask them what you need to gain entrance-often, a GED/diploma is not necessary for entrance to community college, and after you get a couple of years there you can transfer to a four year college if you wish (even without a GED/diploma).

    You may be able to take a CLEP exam and/or the SAT/ACT to qualify you for admission.  

    If you do want to get a diploma, ask the college if they can recommend a program-a lot are farces and are not worth more than a GED.  You can not take the GED online, but you can find out the requirements and where/when you can take it in person.

    I hope this helps, and I wish you the best!

  2. Visit this site

    Here you will find enough information that will help you solving your question.

  3. You don't need a ged or hs diploma to get into college.  Get in through "continuing education."

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