
How to get a stray cat to trust you?

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Theres this stray cat that comes around our house sometimes and I usually leave food and water for it but whenever i go near it, it runs away. I want to try to raise it so that it can eat the mice that swarm around our garden.




  1. That nice of you to try and help it.  Stray cats come with different levels of fear.  So it depends on the kitties past.  I have heard of some feral cats to never can trust fully again. Just try to stay calm and talk softly.  GOOD LUCK!!  

  2. Keep trying to approach the cat, go slow and talk in a soft voice. The more you do this, the more the cat will realize that  you aren't a threat to it. You might also want to try having some dry food in your hand and see if you can get close enough to the cat so he can smell the food. Try scooching down, stay as still as you can, hold your hand out and let the cat come to you on his terms. Let him sniff you and talk softly too him. No sudden moves or he'll split the scene fast. It's going to take some time before the cat learns to trust you. Just try each day to get closer and closer, eventually the cat will know that you aren't going to hurt him.

  3. the first part to familiarize yourself with a stray cat is to feed it. give it some really yummy food. you can leave it outside and wait for the cat, or make some food when you see it. be creative with what you give it, like tuna or something it would love. ir is good to always be around when the cat is eating so that it knows you are in charge of giving it food. make sure to NEVER touch the cat. to gain its trust you have to let it know that you won't hurt it and that you're its friend. if the stray recognizes that you are feeding it, it will come around a lot. once it comes around probably more than once a day, try approaching it. the more and more time you spend with it, the better your bond will be. until the cat approaches you and signals it wants to be pet, i wouldn't do that. this will take time and patience, but eventually the stray will come around and love you.

  4. oh! do be careful with it. cats can carry rabies, and can give you cat scratch fever if scratched. well, if you do want to raise it, when you have to do is when you leave food out, put it by your porch, and when it comes, mind your distance. just sit there and talk to it. eventually after a few days, attempt to pet it. once it starts flinching, back away, and sit back down, and talk to it some more. it should work (: good luck!

  5. Patience....alot of it, all five of my current cats i know house were strays, took at least a month of sitting outside with treats and food and patience...rain or snow i sat out there not talking or anything, just being around the kittys and not making any moves

    the younger the earier, my last one that i never fully tamed took 6 months of the outside sitting to even get him brave enough to come in the house for canned food (me not in sight) then i trapped him and got him fixed then released..PATIENCE

  6. bend down and pet it lots  

  7. i have raised 12 stray cats in my life so far and the main thing i have learned is to be patient, when you leave the food  sit a few feet away or far enough to let the cat know you are there and  you meen no harm. every time you can get closer and closer... then when you get close enough to pet him make sure he sniffs you hand and that he let you pet him.

    good luck

  8. Take it slow. Put the food about 10-20 ft. away from you, at a time (if possible) when you know the cat will be around. Sit as still as stone while the cat eats.

    After a few times, keep the distance, but add some movement, and voice. Talk on the phone, read a book, something so the cat knows you are there.

    Through time, keep scooting the dish closer to where you sit.

    If possible, when the dish gets real close, put a little chicken in the food (as a treat). While the cat eats, slowly reach your hand down, and just brush the cat. Then, slowly take your hand away.

    Continue to pat him when he eats. He'll come around.

  9. I need more information to better answer you. Like how long have you been feeding the stray? Are you sure it is a stray?

    But to answer your question on what you have already said. Start by feeding the cat from a distance.... As you do this pull the food as close to your house as possible. Watch the cat feed and talk to it.

    Do not try to catch it, Let it come to you. If you do this the cat should start to trust you and start leaving you presents such as those mice you spoke of.

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