
How to get adopted by a multi billionaire?

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How to get adopted by a multi billionaire?




  1. Got your eye on Michael Jackson I see.

  2. Some Russian girl was adopted by this American multi-billionaire about a decade ago when she was only five years old. Sounds like a dream come true? Quite the opposite. It turns out her foster father was a child molester and he raped her as soon as she moved in with him at the age of five. There are a few stories about these children from poverty homes who were adopted by "rich" families or a single parent and was being tortured and even murdered.

    So next time when you fantasize about being adopted by some rich lunatic freak, think about these unfortunate children because their lives are totally ruined, and no, they did not end up with any inheritance money or property or any other personal assets that their foster parent had.

  3. That could be difficult.  I think you have better odds of being struck by lightning or winning the lottery.

  4. h**l!  If I knew the answer to that, I would have already done it!  Good question though!

  5. We can ALL see what's in THIS for "YOU"

    ....but,....what would be in it for "HIM"? ?

    What do you have to GIVE in return for all this?  

    FOR HIM...."YOU'RE" just another greedy selfish person who doesn't see "HIM" in this picture at all.  You're only looking at what you can get for yourself, JUST ANOTHER SELFISH "TAKER", who wants him only for his empty  and shallow of character is THAT?


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