
How to get around expensive music lessons...?

by  |  earlier

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I really want to learn piano but all of the instructors in this area are SO overpriced! I only play by ear and I write scores occassionally, but I need to master the technique for efficient playing. Would it be cheaper to sign up for a class through my college? I have perfect pitch and have never taken a lesson in my life. I really can't stand the high prices of these piano teachers. I know they have a lot of expertise and I respect that. What can I do?




  1. ...

  2. Try checking . They recommend some good courses.

  3. See if you can sign up through college other wise there is little you can do about it if you arent prepared to pay the price. Unfortunately tehre is a price tag for everything and people cant just give away their skills, they are earning a living and as they usually teach one student at a time they have to make sure they cover the income they would get from any other paid position. Teaching as much as its done for the love of it cant be done for nothing and highly skilled teaching such as that of music teachers have a price tag associate with them. If you consider this unfair consider that once you are an accomplished pianist are you going to give your music away??? its unlikely; you to will have to earn a living unfortunately thats life.

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