
How to get asian eyes

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I'm half asian and I'm the only one of my siblings who has my father's eyes (caucasian eyes) and I don't really like having them, I feel way out of place of my family because they all have the asian eye shape. I'm not really looking for a surgery, but just a simple way to make my eyes look more asian. I've tried the whole 'slant your eyeliner up' technique...all it did was make my makeup look retarded. And please don't give me the 'like the way you are speech' because I love the way I am, its just my eyes.




  1. Like yourself the way you are! Your parents love you all the same!Use concealer around your eyes in a dabbing motion never stroke!and just pat it in with your brush remember dabbing only then use eyeliner just a little thin and use clear mascara

    P.S. love yourself the way you are Besides if you have the same eyes as your bad the more chance you'll be a Daddy's girl that's good! Besides people make fun of people with slanty eyes. No matter what anybody says be your natural self!

    Good Luck

  2. its really easy to make yourself look caucasian cos they have such defined features

    whereas its hard to look asian cos of soft features

    do the "slant your eyeliner up".. don't make it look obvious though... just a slight slant

    then use a bit of silver eyeshadow to blend it in and brighten your eyes
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