
How to get back at a bi&%hy woman who made my life h**l with her conniving, scheming and plotting ways? ?

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She's my hubby's brother's wife (hubby's sister in law) highly revered in the in-laws family for being extremely social and extremely clever. She schemed so cleverly that my in-laws whole family turned against me (she made sure they stopped talking to me and tried to split me and my hubby) she even succeeded in turning my hubby against me initially but then he finally realized wht she was like. the rest of the family dislikes her coz everyone can see that she's such a hoe. but my in-laws don't go against anything she says or wants. she has her ways of making everything happen in that house (living in my in-laws house for the last 10 yrs along with her hubby and 2 kids. both she and her hubby are 40 yrs old and still living with parents). she's like the in-laws bully. who hates me coz i'm prettier (thats not what i think but that's what ppl say, even in front of her) younger (i'm 10 yrs younger than her) and independent (me and my hubby worked day and night and always lived independently) she doesn't get along with me from the beginning (coz i don't let her bully me). i tried to tolerate her bullying but couldn't take it for long. i tried to forgive her (oh i tried for a year and a half) but nothing is making me feel better. i want revenge. give me some (harmless... no physical harm intended) and innovative ideas to mind Fu** her.

p.s. i have lots of proofs and evidences that she plotted and schemed so no i;m not imagining it. :)




  1. So...  You want to stoop to her level?

    Think about it- not a good idea.

    Forget her, she's not worth it, and if the in-laws want to put up with it that's their problem- not yours.

  2. you will not be happy as long as you are blaming someone else for your problems.  by gettinig revenge you just escalate the issue and no one is happy.  search your heart.  you have to get to a place where this isn't ruining your life.  it's hurting you that you are engaging in this.  you need better skills.  i recommend marshall rosenberg's book 'nonviolent communication'

  3. Ask yourself this question.......Don't I have better things to do with my time and my life then to concern myself with people like this????

    Ask yourself what is the point in having anything to do with this person, I mean obviously she's a looser as well as her husband, couple of leeches is what they sound like.  So just don't bother yourself with the likes of the two of them anymore.  It's petty that your this concerned about "getting back" at her, its imature and your sinking to "her" level.   RISE above this bullsh*t and concentrate on your life and not being like this!!!! That's what you do!

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