
How to get back with my pears i failed the 8th grade?

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How to get back with my pears i failed the 8th grade?




  1. re-do 8th grade. make friends who aren't going to distract you. when high school comes, you will still have your old peers. education is key these days. the economy stinks and knowledge is what will save us. but have fun no matter what you're doing... just be smart and leave some time for the books. you don't have to get straight A's... you can save that for when you're doing something you really love in college. i got c's and b's all through school... and i even failed some classes. it's not the worst thing in the world... just fix it. then you can learn to focus on your social life and your education all at once. it's a wonderful feeling to finish studying then go to the movies knowing you don't have to do it when you get home. it's time management. :)

  2. Well, where I'm from, you get automatically promoted to stay with your peers (not pears, lol) up through middle school, but it sounds like they don't do that where you're from.

    It might be too late, but you could take classes in summer school to make up for your failed 8th grade classes. You could also contact the school to ask to see if there was a possiblity that you could take placement tests in order to get promoted to 9th grade (you'll have to study up on the material first; whether on your own or with a tutor, but you must be SERIOUS about it).

  3. Collect their phone numbers and email addresses.

    I have been here my dear.

    I had to repeat the 8th grade once.I just didn't apply myself enough.But I had to repeat the 8th grade and I got my act together.I was still able to keep in touch with my friends.I had their numbers.Email wasn't out back then.But we still called one another.

    So just gather phone numbers and emails of your friends.You all can still go out too.

    And learn from this.Don't let this repeating 8th grade get you down.Some of the most famous people out here failed a grade but they made it.Don't allow this to break your spirit.Learn from your mistakes. Apply yourself.Do all your work.If you are having trouble with a subject don't be afraid to ask for help.Get some tutoring.Ask your teachers.Thats what they're there for.Your parents can enroll you with Sylvan or Kumon tutoring if necessary.Make time to study. If you are struggling with any deep psychological issuses talk to a school counselor. Don't let this get you down.

    And touch bases with your friends via email and phone number.You all can visit one another and go out too.

    Make new friends too.

    Godbless and I wish you well in your studies.

  4. uh pears? I think you mean..peers pears are a fruit ;] now we know why you failed I think,

    Just make new friends!

  5. Go to walmart and buy some, they'll be near the apples and bananas... Unless you mean peers.  Then study hard and pay attention in class you are there for an education and not to make friends.

  6. summer school

  7. Study study study!

  8. if their really friends they'll help make it work

  9. It's spelled peers. No wonder you failed.

  10. pears?

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