I am a 19 year old male who wants to grow a Paul-McCartney-in-Let-It-Be type of beard. I can already grow full moustache and goatee with almost no effort. That used to be a problem until last year. They first developed probably at age 12 or 13. Now time for sideboards and everything else in the beardy area. Only a few, about 20 to 30 hairs per side of my face (i.e. cheek) are black and thick like my other facial hair. Sides just started popping up slowly this year (2008). I want them to thicken. How? When I stop shaving for about 2 weeks or so, I see a large number of very light, soft, colourless hairs on my cheeks while the upper lip and chin and only those few 20 or 30 on each side are dark. How to make those bloody soft, colourless hairs to shape up and become thick like the rest? Just as a sidenote that perhaps gives direction to plausible answers: I'm Chinese, Filipino, and Spanish.