
How to get better at guitar?

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I've been playing for exactly 2 years now. There are people who played for less, yet are more experienced and even John Mayer status.

I really want to dig myself deep into playing guitar, but I don't know where to start again. I'm still a jukebox, unable to improvise or anything. Please tell me how I can learn so much more, enough so I can start playing in concerts and with bands next year. Thanks :D




  1. The only way to improve is to practice. A common error is putting in time without actually practicing. If it sounds good, it's not practice. Practice is working on what doesn't sound good. A great technique is to find a small section of your music that could sound better and work on it slowly, gradually increasing the speed till it does sound good. Another tricky thing is people want to know how long that will take and there is no answer to that. It might take you 3 minutes and me 4 days. You keep at it till you get it right consistently.

  2. dude, you need to find your own style first. play what you want and not what others want to hear. you have to take a little from you influences, alot of what people come up with is a result of someone playing someone elses music "wrong". you might even try guitar websites like or magazines like guitarworld. they have small lessons in them and are packed with valuable info for guitarists.

  3. 2 years is a start. The reason why people can play the guitar that have minimal years, is probably because they practice like there's no tomorrow. Zakk Wylde for example plays day and night (It's rumored he practices while he's in the bathroom doing his business). It's really all about how much time you put into the guitar. If you really want to start playing in bands, you need to be devoted. I was devoted to the guitar since I was at least 9 or 10. I was able to play Free-bird, stairway to heaven, and Voodoo child when I was 12. My point is you need at least 7-8 hours of practice everyday if we want to be d**n good.

    Lessons is another key thing to achieve what you want.

    Just remember, PRACTICE!!

    -Nakayama Akira

  4. You play the guitar so do I and I write song lyrics. Go to Wittackers and buy some music books to learn how to play better. Also practice your fingering everyday and get a calus on your hand so its easier and your fingers don't bleed it takes a while. Learn how to read music and chords and practice everyday.


    Im a Rockaholic


  5. John Mayer is an excellent technician with an encyclopedic knowledge of music theory.  It sounds to me like you basic knowledge of theory and harmony is lacking or not even there, so that would be the place to start.  These people who get a guitar and then self teach for free off the Internet and never bother to learn the basics, can only go just so far before they hit a brick wall they can't get over since they don't have the most basic knowledge of theory and harmony.

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